When our family traveled to Cuba, our eldest, Esi, saw a little girl that resembled the Baby Bee Doll she had with her. Esi asked us if she could gift her doll to the little girl and we said of course! What we witnessed after this was nothing short of beautiful! These two little girls from different backgrounds and cultures embraced one another like sisters. The moment was something I wanted to cherish and captured it. We knew then that what had happened was important, needed to be nurtured and to grow.
And so our Get One, Gift One Program was born.
We always knew as a company that every girl deserved a doll that looked like them, regardless of their circumstances, and this program was the perfect way to make an impact! Orijin Bees began gifting dolls as customers made purchases on our website. As a company, Orijin Bees, has and continues to gift dolls to different organizations and individuals. As a mother, I find pure joy in seeing a little girls eyes light up when they receive a doll they were not expecting, especially when the doll is representative of them and their community. It's that joy that confirms we are heading in the right direction as a company.